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Local Anesthesia - Rapid Recovery - Minimal or No Downtime

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Fat Melting Treatment

 Under Chin Liposuction and Face Lift with Local Anesthesia

Face Lift with Local Anesthesia

Face Lift with Local Anesthesia

Under Chin Liposuction and Face Lift with Local Anesthesia

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A face lift is a surgical procedure used to reduce facial wrinkles and correct sagging skin,and improve facial contours. It can literally turn back the clock.


At Aesthetic Medical Center, Dr. Marcovici is using a minimally invasive technique that incorporates the safety of modern local anesthesia. With this modern technique, he can tighten not only the skin, but also its immediate support, achieving a more natural look, a more rapid recovery and longer lasting results when compared with older, less sophisticated face lift techniques.


To schedule your consultation, call today 843.945.9990

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